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Church Altar



Worship With Us: Sundays at 9:00 AM in the Linville Land Harbor Recreation Building.

Prayer and worship form the basis of Linville Land Harbor Chapel. We offer a range of services and opportunities to participate. Our calendar includes time allotted for prayer, sermons, and personal reflection, as well as guided Bible study.


Worship Services will begin on June 1st, 2024, and end on September 22nd, 2014. On September 29th, 2024 there will be a Potluck brunch; bring a dish to share and enjoy a short prayer service and a review of our yearly activities. 

Address:  20 Land Harbor Plaza, Newland, NC 28657

Worship Services begin at 9 AM in the Land Harbor Recreation Building.

Among some of the local speakers are Rev. Max Gessner, Chaplain Steve Gragg, Rev. Gary Tarlton and Rev. Dennis Aldridge.

Please join your Land Harbor neighbors for a Blessed service where Jesus is the focus of our praise and worship.

Contact us or pay us a visit to find out more about prayer requests, committee opportunities and Worship services at Linville Land Harbor Chapel.

Church Cross


Faithful Living

Land Harbor Chapel is a fellowship of Christians which purposes to assemble for worship in the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Bible is our authority and the foundation of our faith. The Chapel aspires to encourage growth in personal relationships with God while demonstrating a loving ministry and care toward all in our community. Land Harbor Chapel is interdenominational and seeks to work and worship with all Christians in the spirit of love without compromising loyalty to Jesus Christ and Biblical truth.


SUNDAY SERMONS and Activities 








June 2nd, 2024: Rev. Dennis Aldridge: Pastor, Linville Falls Community Church.

June 9th, 2024: Rev Steve Gragg

June 9th, 2024 at Noon there will be a luncheon for a visiting Ukrainian Missionary. 

June 16th, 2024: Rev. Dennis Aldridge: Pastor, Linville Falls Community Church.

June 23rd, 2024: Chaplain Steve Gragg

June 30th, 2024: Rev. Gary Tarlton

Bryan Anthony will be performing special music. 

July 7th, 2024: Rev. Jonathan Arnette: Associate Pastor @ The Rock Church, Boone, NC.

July 14th, 2024: Rev. Gary Tarlton

July 21st, 2024: Rev. Bill Jones

July 28th, 2024: Rev.Bill Jones

July 28th, "Widows and Widowers Luncheon" at 12:30 PM in the Recreation Center. Free to all.

Please bring a side dish to share. Chicken and drinks will be provided.

Aug 4th, 2024: Rev. Tommy Nance (Dianne)

Aug 11th, 2024: Dennis Aldridge: Pastor, Linville Falls Community Church

Aug 18th, 2024: Dennis Aldridge: Pastor, Linville Falls Community Church

Aug 25th, 2024: Chaplain Steve Gragg

Sept 1st, 2024: Dr. Bill Jones

Sept  8th, 2024: Rev. Kathy Campbell, Pastor @ Crossnore Presbyterian church.

Sept 15th, 2024: Chaplain Steve Gragg

Sept 22nd, 2024: Dr. Max Gessner

Sept 29th, 2024: Gene Cope.

Short prayer service followed by a Business meeting and Potluck Brunch


“No church can be prospered in which all the ministration comes from the pulpit”

Henry Ward Beecher

Prayer Group
Stained Glass


Linville Land Harbor Chapel is a church committed to Christ and His Word. We are dedicated to sharing the love of Christ through ministry, fellowship, and worship. Our church is not just a house of worship. At its core are the members and believers who come together to practice God’s word, share His Gospel, and extend His Love to all. 


Accordingly, the Land Harbor Chapel is committed to serving the needs of our Land Harbor community and those outside our neighborhoods. 

 Plans for Missions


During the month of June 2024:

We will support "Freedom Farms" in June, a local Christian addiction ministry. 

 We will also support Ukraine Churches and missions as our International Ministry partner.

During the month of July 2024:

During July we will support School Supplies for Ukraine. 

July 28th, Widows and Widowers Luncheon at the Recreation Center. Details to follow.

During the month of August 2024:

During August, we will support Victory Junction, a camp ministry for children with special needs.

The August International Mission is to support Pastors in Cuba through the Masters Mission. 


During the month of September 2024, the Chapel will be supporting the "Christmas Shoebox" program that is operated annually by Samaritans Purse and the "Masters Mission".. Details to be announced.  

 The Missions Committee Chairperson is 

Diana Cope. Contact Diana at:

Contact Diana to volunteer for this committee.


Helping Hands


During the month of July 2024, the Chapel will be collecting donations for Avery County children.  Watch for collection boxes in and around LLH Community for this need. Financial donations may be made through the Chapel on Sundays as well. Designate your gift for the "School supplies".


Avery County intends to support over 700 children in this ministry. Supplies will be placed into backpacks at the end of July. 


 Contact the Chairperson as needed for more information.


Charity Volunteers


Land Harbor neighbors who would like visitation for conversation and companionship.
1. Cathy: POC is Jack, Cathy's husband, at 239-851-8089.

Christian Booklet


The "Christmas Joy Shoebox" program involves the distribution of shoeboxes to children around the world. Linville Land Harbor and the Chapel are participating in this ministry in September. 

Here is the list of items to include and those that should NOT be included: 


Gift suggestions:

A “Wow” item

Personal care items

School supplies

Clothing and accessories

Crafts and activities,

Toys, toothpaste, gum, fruit snacks,

and drink mixes. 

A personal note.


Place a label on the shoebox 

indicating if the box is for a boy

or girl and age (2-4; 5-9; or 10-14).


 Do NOT include :

Used or damaged items,

Scary or war-related items

Such as toy guns, knives or 

military figures, chocolate

or food, seeds,

liquids or lotions; medications

or vitamins; breakable items

such as snow globes or glass

containers; aerosol cans.

School Children
Image by David Beale


Sharing the Word of God

Dr. Max and Martha Gessner: Max is a
member of the steering committee and the pastoral committee, and Martha is a member of the steering committee and chairperson of the prayer committee.

Gene and Diana Cope: Gene is the President of the Chapel non-profit; is a member of the Steering Committee and the Administration Committee and is a Worship Leader. Diana is a member of the Steering Committee and is Chairperson of both the Music Committee and the Missions Committee.)


PRAYER REQUESTS Sept 22, 2024 

"For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer..."
(1st Peter 3:12)

Please let us know how we can be in prayer for you. Fill out a prayer request at church; send us an email, or by phone. Please send an email to:

Martha Gessner:; or text 727-215-7724 (Prayer Committee, Chairperson).

Diana Cope:

French Harvey:

  • Albina, the Ukrainian interpreter of the Cope family who visited them this Summer, is raising funds for her ministry to School Teachers and students in Lviv. 

  • Vitalli and Olena Ozerny have a ministry in Budapest to Ukrainian refugees. 

  • Pray for our LLH summer residents, traveling home for the Fall/Winter. 

  • Bonnie Smith is experiencing great difficulty in her battle with stage 4 cancer. 

  •  Bonnie Troy, Jeff Troy's Spouse, is experiencing vertigo,  high blood pressure and knee pain while recovering from cervical surgery. 

  • Nancy, the wife of Gary McCormick, has a debilitating, terminal illness. 

  • ​Kevin & Sharon Lawing left Land Harbor to return home due to an unexpected death in their family. 

  • Please pray for Greta and Bill Bremsser.  Greta has an infection on her leg and Bill is in the hospital with pneumonia. 

  • Lisa Carlton is in FL caring for her Mother who is reaching the end of her life. Pray for comfort and Grace. 

  • Mike Smith has health problems. 

  • Jori Salomon has an abdominal infection, is receiving treatment, and is recovering. 

  • Please pray for Greta Bremser whose husband, Bill, has passed away. Greta also needs prayers for healing of a leg wound.                                                                                                                                                              


                              Praise Reports                                                                    

  • Decker's grandson's friend, Maryanne, is doing well and is attending college.  

  • Cece Grillo is recovering from a fall and is out of pain and recovering well. 


Archived Prayer Requests from June - August 2024

Please pray for the families of our residents and friends who passed away this Summer

Richard Carlile passed away. Please keep Debi and their family in your prayers. 

Harold Durham, a longtime resident of Land Harbor, passed away. Pray for the family.

 Vernon Cope, Gene Cope's brother, has passed away. Pray for the family.  

Jack Sullivan passed away. Please keep Martha and their family in your prayers. 

Ron Cooley passed away. Please keep Carol and their family in your prayers. 

Bill Price passed away.  Please keep Mickie and their family in your prayers. 

Hilton Taylor has passed away. Please keep Ann and their family in your prayers.

Prayer Requests received during our Worship Services June to August 2024

  • Tom Mackey, Ramah's husband, is now home in LLH and recovering from a serious health issue. He is receiving treatment to help him walk and build up his strength. 

  •  Joan Barber's brother, Milton Akerman, has serious health problems.

  • David Atkins, a long-time LLH employee, has stage 4 liver cancer. 

  •  Debbie Neff, Rev. Ed Neff's wife, was in a serious auto accident.  She broke her leg and several ribs. She is recovering at home. 

  •  Stewart Good is recovering from a serious fall and seizure. Cannot drive for 6 months.

  • Laura Hammaker has been diagnosed with breast cancer.  

  •  Karen Wallace's brother, Bill, is recovering from back surgery and sepsis. 

  •  Eddie Calhoun experienced a heart attack and will have stents inserted. 

  •  Dan O'Brian is recovering from eye surgery. Please pray for his vision to clear and for the success of ongoing treatments.

  •  Jan Medders, who is in her 40s, is undergoing a double mastectomy. Please pray for the cancer to be contained.

  • Bonnie Kenny's relative, Jonathan (31 years old), recently married, has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. 

  • Patty O'Brian's sister, Mary McGowan, needs prayers. No details were provided. 

  • Pat, from the "Sound Travelers", asks for prayers for her Mom who has cancer. Her father has passed away. 

  • Dennis Decker asks for prayers for a friend of his grandson who has health problems.  

  • Addie Bobbit has cancer and is undergoing tests.

  • Don Herman's wife, Marilyn, has unspecified health issues.

  • Marilyn Corley's sister, Johnnie, has returned home and is improving. 

  • Mark, the brother of Cope's Neighbor (Fran) has brain cancer. He is receiving Chemo treatment.

  • Star Chapman's daughter, Dawn, has Lupus. Star's sister, Donna, has had a serious stroke and is receiving rehab at home. Star's son-in-law, Wayne, has a serious heart illness.

  • Gary and Carol Storch's daughter-in-law, Crickett,  has cancer and is undergoing treatment.  

  • Mickey Price's husband, Bill, has passed away. Mickey doesn't drive and may need help with transportation. 


"...The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." (James 5:16)

"...Be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people." (Ephesians 6:18)

Stained Glass


Current Committee Assignments, Members and Volunteers:


1a. Steering Committee Members

Gene and Diana Cope:

Max and Martha Gessner:

1b. Linville Land Harbor Chapel, a Non-profit Corporation: 

   Gene Cope, President (

Ray Grillo, Vice President

   John Thompson, Secretary

  Treasurer: Carol Storch

Gary Storch, Committees Chairman 

2. Pastoral Committee Members:

Dr. Max Gessner

3. Worship Leaders: (Desire 3: Need 2 more)

Gene Cope

4. Music Committee

Diana Cope, Chairperson:

352-603-2202H 352-283-1622 C

 Special Music: Brian Shrager, Pianist 

5. Missions Committee Members/Volunteers 

Diana Cope, Chairperson (

Bob & Doris Yost (Will help part-time as agreed upon.)

Jerry and Lisa Richburg

Oz and Brenda Heffner

6. Prayer Committee Members

Martha Gessner, Chairperson

Cell: 727-215-7724

Prayer list Coordinator: French Harvey


Brenda Hefner

Jackie Lofgren 

Linda Weiss

Cece Grillo

7. Social Committee Members  

Jo Thompson, Chairperson 

Joan Barber

Bob & Doris Yost (Will help part-time as agreed upon.)

8a. Set-up and Clean-up Committee Volunteers:

(Need 2 or more each week).

Lucy Corning

Patti O'Brien

8b. Refreshments

Volunteers: (Need 1-2 volunteers each Week.)

Jo Thompson, Chairperson 

Patti O'Brien

Bob & Doris Yost

9. Greeters and Ushers Committee 


Lucy Corning, Chairperson 

Brenda Hefner       

Patti O'Brien


Gene Barber, Chairman


10. Advertising Committee Members: 

Robert Sandweg (

11. Administration of the Chapel Committee Members:

Eugene Cope (

If you are interested in volunteering for any of these Committees, contact the committee chairperson, email us, or sign up in person on Sunday during our Worship service. 


As members of Linville Land Harbor Chapel, we are constantly pursuing the calling to be fully devoted followers of Christ. The Bible is our authority and the foundation of our faith. To build a true Heaven on Earth, we live life based on the teachings of the Bible, are passionate about prayer and are grounded in spiritual accountability. We are committed to serve our Land Harbor community by sharing God's love to those in need. If you are interested in joining our Church, please reach out. We would love for you to visit.

Visit Us
Prayer Group
Image by James Coleman


Need 4 or more each Sunday. Arrive at 8:30 AM

If you are interested in assisting with the setup and clean-up of the Sanctuary, arrive at about 0830 and provide help as needed. It is not necessary to sign up. Just show up and be Blessed. 

Woman Praying





















We need 2-4 volunteers each week to provide pastries and to prepare coffee

and set up the refreshments table before the Worship Service.

Please arrive 30 minutes before Worship. Coffee pots and supplies are provided in the Recreation building. 

June 9th, 2024: Linda Sandweg

June 16th, 2024: Nancy Vogelsang

June 23rd, 2024: Mary Adair

June 30th, 2024: Lisa Richburg

July 7th, 2024: Jo Thompson

July 14th, 2024: Joyce Cozzolino

July 21st, 2024:  

July 28th, 2024:

Aug 4th, 2024:

Aug 11th, 2024: Linda Sandweg

Aug 18th, 2024:

Aug 25th, 2024: Jorie Saloman

Sept 1st, 2024: 

Sept  8th, 2024: 

Sept 15th, 2024: 

Sept 22nd, 2024: Jo Thompson





Thanks for submitting!


20 Land Harbor Plaza, Newland, NC. 28657

©2022 by Linville Land Harbor Chapel. Proudly created with

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